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Returns an array of the current automatic amplitude measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: peak amplitude during the pulse, average amplitude over a full cycle of the pulse waveform, average amplitude during the pulse, IEEE top amplitude, IEEE bottom amplitude, and overshoot. Units are the same as the channel's units. Note the pulse overshoot is returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other units. Also, the pulse ?ON interval used for peak and average calculations is defined by the SENSe:PULSe:STARTGT and :ENDGT time gating settings. A full pulse (rise and fall) must be visible on the display to make average and peak pulse power measurements, and a full cycle of the waveform must be visible to calculate average cycle amplitude. Namespace: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop Assembly: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop (in Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop.dll)
ParametersPulsePeak The peak amplitude during the pulse. PulsePeakValid Measurement condition code. PulseCycleAvg Average cycle amplitude. PulseCycleAvgValid Measurement condition code. PulseOnAvg Average power of the ON portion of the pulse. PulseOnValid Measurement condition code. IEEETop The IEEE-defined top line, i.e. the portion of a pulse waveform, which represents the second nominal state of a pulse. IEEETopValid Measurement condition code. IEEEBottom The IEEE-define base line, i.e. The two portions of a pulse waveform which represent the first nominal state from which a pulse departs and to which it ultimately returns. IEEEBottomValid Measurement condition code. Overshoot The difference between the distortion following a major transition and the IEEE top line in dB or percent,depending on the channel units. OvershootValid Measurement condition code. Droop Power droop of the pulse. DroopValid Measurement condition code.