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Returns an array of the current automatic timing measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: the frequency, period, width, offtime and duty cycle of the pulse waveform, and the risetime and falltime of the edge transitions. For each of the measurements to be performed, the appropriate items to be measured must within the trace window. Pulse frequency, period, offtime and duty cycle measurements require that an entire cycle of the pulse waveform (minimum of three edge transitions) be present. Pulse width measurement requires that at least one full pulse is visible, and is most accurate if the pulse width is at least 0.4 divisions. Risetime and falltime measurements require that the edge being measured is visible, and will be most accurate if the transition takes at least 0.1 divisions. It is always best to have the power meter set on the fastest timebase possible that meets the edge visibility restrictions. Set the trace averaging as high as practical to reduce fluctuations and noise in the pulse timing measurements. Note that the timing of the edge transitions is defined by the settings of the SENSe:PULSe:DISTal, :MESIal and :PROXimal settings; see the descriptions for those commands. Units are the same as the channel's units. Namespace: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop Assembly: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop (in Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop.dll)
ParametersFrequency The number of cycles of a repetitive signal that take place in one second (Pulse Repetition Frequency). FrequencyValid Measurement condition code. Period The interval between two successive pulses. (Reciprocal of the Pulse Repetition Frequency). PeriodValid Measurement condition code. Width The interval between the first and second signal crossings of the mesial line. WidthValid Measurement condition code. Offtime The time a repetitive pulse is off. (Equal to the pulse period minus the pulsewidth). OfftimeValid Measurement condition code. DutyCycle The ratio of the pulse on-time to period. DutyCycleValid Measurement condition code. Risetime The interval between the first signal crossing of the proximal line to the first signal crossing of the distal line. RisetimeValid Measurement condition code. Falltime The interval between the last signal crossing of the distal line to the last signal crossing of the proximal line. FalltimeValid Measurement condition code. EdgeDelay Time offset from the trigger reference to the first mesial transition level of either slope on the waveform. EdgeDelayValid Measurement condition code. Skew The trigger offset between the assigned trigger channel and this channel. SkewValid Measurement condition code.