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The pulse interface provides access to the timebase for pulse mode. Note: This is the only timebase for USB power meters. Namespace: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop Assembly: Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop (in Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop.dll)
Name |
Description |
Returns the maximum timebase available. |
Set or return the Pulse Mode timebase in seconds/division. |
Set or return the horizontal time span of the trace in pulse mode. Time span = 10* Time/Division. Value = 5e-8 to 100 sec in a 1-2-5 sequence, 300, 600, 1200, 3000, 6000, 18000, and 36000 |
Boonton.Boonton55xxx.Interop Namespace