
Specific Driver Class Spec Major Version
Returns the major version number of the class specification in accordance with which the IVI specific driver was developed. Zero is returned if the driver is not compliant with a class specification.

Specific Driver Class Spec Minor Version
Returns the minor version number of the class specification in accordance with which the IVI specific driver was developed. Zero is returned if the driver is not compliant with a class specification.

Specific Driver Description
Returns a brief description of the IVI specific driver. The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum of 256 bytes including the NUL byte.

Specific Driver Prefix
Returns the case-sensitive prefix of the user-callable functions that the IVI-C specific driver exports. The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum of 32 bytes including the NUL byte.

Specific Driver Revision
Returns version information about the IVI specific driver. The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum of 256 bytes including the NUL byte.

Specific Driver Vendor
Returns the name of the vendor that supplies the IVI specific driver. The string that this attribute returns contains a maximum of 256 bytes including the NUL byte.