
Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that aborts all previously initiated measurements and returns the power meter to the Idle state.

Terminates any measurement in progress and resets the state of the trigger system. Note that Abort will leave the measurement in a stopped condition with all current measurements cleared.

Initiates new acquisition from the measurement buffer system (if acquisition is in the stopped state). Blocks until the number of measurements for each enabled channel is equal to count, or a time out has occurred.

Send a command to the meter to notify it the user is done reading and to advance the read index.

Performs a multi-point sensor gain calibration of the selected sensor with the internal calibrator. This method is not valid for 55 Series USB power meters.

Performs a multi-point sensor gain calibration of the selected sensor with the internal calibrator and returns true if successful. This method is not valid for 55 Series USB power meters.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that performs a calibration on a particular channel and sensor. This method returns only after calibration is complete

Clear display traces and all data buffers. Clears averaging filters to empty.

Sends a command to the power meter to clear all buffered readings. This method does not clear cached measurements accessible through GetAverageMeasurements, etc.

This function clears the error code and error description for the current execution thread and for the IVI session. If the user specifies a valid IVI session for the Vi parameter, this function clears the error information for the session. If the user passes VI_NULL for the Vi parameter, this function clears the error information for the current execution thread. If the Vi parameter is an invalid session, the function does nothing and returns an error.

Clears the list of interchangeability warnings that the IVI specific driver maintains.

Clears cached average, min, max, duration, start time, and sequence number measurements.

Closes the I/O session to the instrument. Driver methods and properties that access the instrument are not accessible after Close is called.

Configures the conidtions for edge trigger. An edge trigger occurs when the trigger source signal passes through the trigger level with the specified slope.

This function enables or disables the auto-averaging mode.

This function sets the average count that the instrument uses in manual averaging mode. The averaging count specifies the number of samples that the instrument takes before the measurement is complete.

This function enables or disables a specified channel for measurement.

This function specifies the frequency of the input signal in Hertz. The instrument uses this value to determine the appropriate correction factor for the sensor.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that enables or disables duty cycle correction and sets the duty cycle for pulse power measurements

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that configures the internal trigger event source, slope and level

This function configures the internal trigger level of the power meter.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that configures the instrument to take single or dual channel measurements

This function specifies the offset to be added to the measured value in units of dB.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that configures the lower and upper range values for a particular channel

This function configures the auto range mode for a given channel.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that sets the frequency and power level of the signal generated by the reference oscillator

This function enables or disables the reference oscillator.

This function sets the trigger source of the power meter.

This function configures the unit to which the RF power is converted after measurement.

Quickly places the instrument in a state where it has no, or minimal, effect on the external system to which it is connected. This state is not necessarily a known state.

Sets the 55 series power meter to a buffered capture mode and disables real time processing.

Translates the error return value from an IVI driver function to a user-readable string. The user should pass a buffer with at least 256 bytes for the ErrorMessage parameter.

Queries the instrument and returns instrument specific error information. This function can be used when QueryInstrumentStatus is True to retrieve error details when the driver detects an instrument error.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that returns the result of a previously configured and initiated 1 or 2 channel measurement. Measurement.Configure can be used to set up the measurement. Measurement.Initiate initiates that measurement

Returns an array of the current marker measurements for the specified channel.

Return a given percent for relative power (in dB) on the CCDF plot.

Return relative power (in dB) for a given percent on the CCDF plot.

Returns the points in the CCDF trace.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that returns the result from a previously initiated measurement on a specified channel. Initiate initiates that measurement. The measurement result will be returned in the units specified by the Unit property

Returns the percent CCDF at the cursor.

Returns the power CCDF at the cursor.

Returns the current average, maximum, minimum powers or voltages and the peak-to-average ratio of the specified channel. Units are the same as the channel's units. Note the peak-to-average ratio and marker ratio are returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other channel units.

Returns the current CW power.

Returns the ratio of the pulse on-time to off-time.

Returns time offset from the trigger reference to the first mesial transition level of either slope on the waveform.

When capture priority is enabled, returns up to 100000 points of trace data based on the current timebase starting at the current trigger delay point.

Returns the interval between the last signal crossing of the distal line to the last signalcrossing of the proximal line.

Returns the IEEE-define base line, i.e. The two portions of a pulse waveform which represent the first nominal state from which a pulse departs and to which it ultimately returns.

Returns the IEEE-defined top line, i.e. the portion of a pulse waveform which represents the second nominal state of a pulse.

Return the average power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the maximum filtered power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the minmum power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the maximum instantaneous power or voltage in the time interval between marker1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return maximum of the average power trace between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the minimum instantaneous power or voltage in the time interval between marker1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return minimum of the average power trace between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the peak-to-average ratio of the power or voltage between marker 1 and marker 2. The units are dB for logarithmic channel units or percent for linear channel units.

For the specified marker, return the average power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

Return the difference between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as marker units.

For the specified marker, return the maximum power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

For the specified marker, return the minimum power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

Return the ratio of MK1 to MK2. The units will be dB for logarithmic units or percent for linear units.

Return the difference between MK2 and MK1. The units will be the same as marker units.

Return the ratio of MK2 to MK1. The units will be dB for logarithmic units or percent for linear units.

Returns an array of the current automatic statistical measurements performed on a sample population. Measurements performed are: long term average, peak and minimum amplitude, peak-to-average ratio, amplitude at the CCDF percent cursor, statistical percent at the CCDF power cursor, and the sample population size in samples. Note the peak-to-average ratio is returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other channel units.

Returns the time a repetitive pulse is off. (Equal to the pulse period minus the pulsewidth).

Returns the difference between the distortion following a major transition and the IEEE top line in dB or percent, depending on the channel units.

Returns the interval between two successive pulses. (Reciprocal of the Pulse RepetitionFrequency)

Returns an array of the current automatic amplitude measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: peak amplitude during the pulse, average amplitude over a full cycle of the pulse waveform, average amplitude during the pulse, IEEE top amplitude, IEEE bottom amplitude, and overshoot. Units are the same as the channel's units. Note the pulse overshoot is returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other units. Also, the pulse ?ON interval used for peak and average calculations is defined by the SENSe:PULSe:STARTGT and :ENDGT time gating settings. A full pulse (rise and fall) must be visible on the display to make average and peak pulse power measurements, and a full cycle of the waveform must be visible to calculate average cycle amplitude.

Returns the number of cycles of a repetitive signal that take place in one second (Pulse Repetition Frequency).

Returns the average power of the entire pulse.

Average power of the ON portion of the pulse.

Returns the peak amplitude during the pulse.

Returns the interval between the first signal crossing of the proximal line to the first signal crossing of the distal line.

Returns an array of the current automatic timing measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: the frequency, period, width, offtime and duty cycle of the pulse waveform, and the risetime and falltime of the edge transitions. For each of the measurements to be performed, the appropriate items to be measured must within the trace window. Pulse frequency, period, offtime and duty cycle measurements require that an entire cycle of the pulse waveform (minimum of three edge transitions) be present. Pulse width measurement requires that at least one full pulse is visible, and is most accurate if the pulse width is at least 0.4 divisions. Risetime and falltime measurements require that the edge being measured is visible, and will be most accurate if the transition takes at least 0.1 divisions. It is always best to have the power meter set on the fastest timebase possible that meets the edge visibility restrictions. Set the trace averaging as high as practical to reduce fluctuations and noise in the pulse timing measurements. Note that the timing of the edge transitions is defined by the settings of the SENSe:PULSe:DISTal, :MESIal and :PROXimal settings; see the descriptions for those commands. Units are the same as the channel's units.

Returns a previously acquired waveform for this channel. The acquisition must be made prior to calling this method. Call this method separately for each channel.

Returns the previously acquired minimum and maximum waveforms for this specified channel. The acquisition must be made prior to calling this method. Call this method separately for each channel.

Returns the pulse width, i.e. the interval between the first and second signal crossings of the mesial line.

Returns a delimited string of available resources. These strings can be used in the initialize function to open a session to an instrument.

Performs a calibration at a fixed frequency and level.

Performs a calibration at a fixed frequency and level and returns true if successful.

Returns data about the status of the aquisition system.

Attenuation in dB for the sensor.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

Set or return the number of traces averaged together to form the measurement result on the selected channel.

Set or return the sensor video bandwidth for the selected sensor.

Get the average power measurements that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Gets the number of measurements available in the power meter's internal buffer. Note: The number of readings that have been acquired may be more or less.

Set or return the frequency calfactor currently in use on the selected channel.

Query information associated with calibration factors.

Set/return whether statical capture is enabled.

This function returns the physical channel identifier that corresponds to the one-based index that the user specifies. If the value that the user passes for the ChannelIndex parameter is less than one or greater than the value of the Channel Count attribute, the function returns an empty string in the ChannelName parameter and returns an error.

Return current sensor internal temperature in degrees C

Set or return the trigger delay time in seconds with respect to the trigger for the trigger display location in the LEFT position. Positive values cause the actual trigger to occur after the trigger condition is met. This places the trigger event to the left of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for viewing events during a pulse, some fixed delay time after the rising edge trigger. Negative trigger delay places the trigger event to the right of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for looking at events before the trigger edge.

Returns diagnostic data from the 55 series.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the end of a rising edge or beginning of a falling edge transition.

Set/get the duration samples are captured during each timed mode acquisiton.

Get the duration entries in seconds that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Set or return the measurement state of the selected channel. When the value is true, the channel performs measurements; when the value is false, the channel is disabled and no measurements are performed.

Set/get delay time added to the detected end of a burst for analysis. Typically negative. Typically used to exclude the falling edge of a burst.

Set or return the point on a pulse, which is used to define the end of the pulse's active interval.

Set/get the minimum amount of time power remains below the trigger point to be counted as the end of a burst.

This function retrieves and then clears the IVI error information for the session or the current execution thread. If the user specifies a valid IVI session for the Vi parameter, Get Error retrieves and then clears the error information for the session. If the user passes VI_NULL for the Vi parameter, Get Error retrieves and then clears the error information for the current execution thread. If the Vi parameter is an invalid session, the function does nothing and returns an error. Normally, the error information describes the first error that occurred since the user last called the Get Error or Clear Error function.

Gets the expiration date of the current license.

Adjusts the skew for the external trigger.

The date the last time the sensor was calibrated at the factory.

The maximum amount of latency a fetch measurement may have. This setting adjusts how often automatic measurements and marker measurements are recalculated.

Set or return the current setting of the integration filter on the selected channel.

Set or return the current length of the integration filter on the selected channel.

Returns the firmware version of the power meter associated with this channel.

Set or return the RF frequency for the current sensor, and apply the appropriate frequency calfactor from the sensor?s EEPROM table.

Each Buffer Entry is controlled by a "buffer gate" that defines the start and end of the entry time interval. The gate signal may be internally or externally generated in several different ways.

Set/return whether the statical capture is gated by markers or free-running.

Set or return the trigger holdoff time in seconds. Trigger holdoff is used to disable the trigger for a specified amount of time after each trigger event. The holdoff time starts immediately after each valid trigger edge, and will not permit any new triggers until the time has expired. When the holdoff time is up, the trigger re-arms, and the next valid trigger event (edge) will cause a new sweep. This feature is used to help synchronize the power meter with burst waveforms such as a TDMA or GSM frame. The trigger holdoff resolution is 10 nanoseconds, and it should be set to a time that is just slightly shorter than the frame repetition interval.

Sets the holdoff mode to normal or gap holdoff.

Set or return the statistical mode horizontal scale offset in dB. The offset value will appear at the leftmost edge of the scale with units dBr (decibels relative).

Set or return the statistical mode horizontal scale in dB/Div.

Input impedence of the sensor.

Set or return the data acquisition mode for single or free-run measurements. If INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, the instrument immediately begins taking measurements (Modulated, CW and Statistical Modes), or arms its trigger and takes a measurement each time a trigger occurs (Pulse Mode). If set to OFF, the measurement will begin (or be armed) as soon as the INITiate command is issued, and will stop once the measurement criteria (averaging, filtering or sample count) has been satisfied. Note that INITiate:IMMediate and READ commands are invalid when INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON; however, by convention this situation does not result in a SCPI error.

Adjusts the skew for the internal trigger and master trigger output.

Returns true if modulated/CW measurement system is available. Will always retrun false if measurement buffer is enabled.

Returns true if modulated/CW measuremnts are actively running.

Set or return the trigger level for synchronizing data acquisition with a pulsed input signal. The internal trigger level entered should include any global offset and will also be affected by the frequency cal factor. The available internal trigger level range is sensor dependent. The trigger level is set and returned in dBm.

Set or return the resolution for linear power and voltage readings. The number of significant digits displayed is equal to the value.

Set or return the resolution for logarithmic power and voltage readings. The number of decimal places displayed is equal to the value.

Date the sensor was manufactured.

Maximum frequency the sensor can measure in high bandwidth.

Maximum frequency the sensor can measure in low bandwidth.

Get the maximum power measurements that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Returns the maximum timebase available.

Enable or disable the measurement buffer. Disabling the measurement buffer enables modulated/CW measurements. Conversely, enabling it disables modulated/CW measurements.

There are three basic measurement modes - pulse power, modulated power, and statistical power. Each mode is targeted towards a specific type of measurement.The Pulse Mode is used with peak power sensors. The instrument functions as an enhanced peak power analyzer and provides the functionality of a random repetitive sampling oscilloscope for viewing and analyzing the RF power envelope of signals.The Modulated Mode is designed for continuous, true average power measurements of complex modulated signals. The Statistical Mode is used for advanced analysis of non-periodic modulated signals. This mode does not require a trigger event to make measurements and is useful for signals that are noise-like such as CDMA, OFDM, or QAM. In Statistical Mode, the RF signal is sampled continuously at high speed, without discarding or losing any data.

Get the number of measurement entries available that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Returns an XML document containing settings and readings obtained using the SaveToMemoryChannel method.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the beginning of a rising edge or end of a falling edge transition.

Minimum frequency the sensor can measure in high bandwidth.

Minimum frequency the sensor can measure in low bandwidth.

Minimum trigger level in dBm.

Get the minimum power measurements that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Set or return the trigger mode for synchronizing data acquisition with pulsed signals.

Model number of the meter connected to the specified channel.

Returns the oldest record from the coercion record list. Records are only added to the list if RecordCoercions is True.

Returns the oldest warning from the interchange warning list. Records are only added to the list if InterchangeCheck is True.

Gets number of calibrations left on this license.

Set or return a measurement offset in dB for the selected sensor. This is used to compensate for external couplers, attenuators or amplifiers in the RF signal path ahead of the power sensor.

Flag indicating whether the power meter's internal buffer filled up before beign emptied.

Set or return the number of min/max traces averaged together to form the peak hold measurement results on the selected channel.

Sets or returns whether peak hold decay automatically tracks trace averaging. If set to true, the peak hold decay and trace averaging values are the same. If set to false, peak hold decay is indepedent.

Maximum power level the sensor can measure.

Minimum power level the sensor can measure.

Set/return the cursor percent on the CCDF plot.

Set/get the period each timed mode acquisition is started.

Set or return the horizontal pixel position (X-axis-position) of the selected vertical marker. There are 501 pixel positions numbered from 0 to 500 inclusive.

Set or return the position of the trigger event on displayed sweep.

Set/return the cursor power in dB on the CCDF plot.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the beginning of a rising edge or end of a falling edge transition.

Set or return the units for entering the pulse distal, mesial and proximal levels.

Returns the period (rate) in seconds per new filtered reading.

Set/get the return count for each measurement query.

Get the sequence number entries that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

Serial number of the sensor.

Get serial number of a connected license dongle.

Set/get the count of elements for this measurement buffer session. Set to 0 for the meter to continuously acquire measurements.

Adjusts the skew for the slave trigger.

Set or return the trigger slope or polarity. When set to POS, trigger events will be generated when a signal?s rising edge crosses the trigger level threshold. When NEG, trigger events are generated on the falling edge of the pulse.

The signal the power meter monitors for a trigger. It can be channel or one of many other values.

Set/get delay time added to the detected beginning of a burst for analysis. Typically used to exclude the rising edge of a burst.

Set or return the point on a pulse, which is used to define the beginning of the pulse's active interval.

Mode used to start acquisition of buffer entries.

Set/get the minimum amount of time power remains above the trigger point to be counted as the beginning of a burst.

Get the start time entries in seconds that were captured during the last call to AcquireMeasurements.

The status of the triggering system.

Set or return the state of the peak sensor temperature compensation system.

Set/return the termination action for statistical capturing.

Set/return the termination count for statistical capturing. After the sample count has been reached, the action determined by TermAction is taken.

Set/return the termination time for statistical capturing. After the time has elapsed, the action determined by TermAction is taken.

Set or return the Modulated Mode timebase in seconds/division. The power meter has fixed timebase settings, primarily in a 1-2-5 sequence. If the argument does not match one of these settings, it will be forced to the next highest entry.Value = 5e-9 to 10.0, (1-2-5 sequence)30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 1800, and 3600

Set or return the Pulse Mode timebase in seconds/division.

Check if the last measurement buffer session timed out.

Returns the time out value for I/O in milliseconds.

Time spacing for each waveform point in seconds.

Set or return the time (x-axis-position) of the selected marker relative to the trigger. Note that time markers must be positioned within the time limits of the trace window in the graph display. If a time outside of the display limits is entered, the marker will be placed at the first or last time position as appropriate.

Set or return the horizontal time span of the trace in modulated mode. Time span = 10* Time/Division. Value = 5e-8 to 100 sec in a 1-2-5 sequence, 300, 600, 1200, 3000, 6000, 18000, and 36000

Set or return the horizontal time span of the trace in pulse mode. Time span = 10* Time/Division. Value = 5e-8 to 100 sec in a 1-2-5 sequence, 300, 600, 1200, 3000, 6000, 18000, and 36000

Set/return the number of points in the CCDF trace plot.

Set or return units for the selected channel. Voltage is calculated with reference to the sensor input impedance. Note that for ratiometric results, logarithmic units will always return dBr (dB relative) while linear units return percent.

Set or return the fine position of the trigger event on displayed sweep.

Set/Query vertical center based on current units: <arg> = (range varies by units)

Set/Query vertical scale based on current units: <arg> = (range varies by units)

Set true to allow the measurement buffer to overwrite members that have not been read by the user.

Opens the I/O session to the instrument. Driver methods and properties that access the instrument are only accessible after Initialize is called. Initialize optionally performs a Reset and queries the instrument to validate the instrument model.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that initiates a measurement on all enabled channels. When this method executes, the power meter leaves the Idle state

Starts a single measurement cycle when INITiate:CONTinuous is set to OFF. In Modulated Mode, the measurement will complete once the power has been integrated for the full FILTer time. In Pulse Mode, enough trace sweeps must be triggered to satisfy the AVERaging setting. In Statistical Mode, acquisition stops once the terminal condition(s) are met. In each case, no reading will be returned until the measurement is complete. This command is not valid when INITiate:CONTinuous is ON, however, by convention this situation does not result in a SCPI error

Opens the I/O session to the instrument. Driver methods and properties that access the instrument are only accessible after Initialize is called. Initialize optionally performs a Reset and queries the instrument to validate the instrument model.

Invalidates all of the driver's cached values.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that queries the instrument to determine the status of all calibration operations

Returns true if a valid license dongle is connected.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that queries the instrument to determine the status of the measurement initiated by the Initiate method. This method returns a status of Measurement only when measurements are complete on all enabled channels.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that queries the instrument to determine the status of all zero operations

Loads the named memory channel using the given archive. If the memory channel does not exist, one is created.

Obtains a multithread lock on the driver after waiting until all other execution threads have released their locks on the instrument session.

Return average power using a default instrument configuration in Modulated Mode and dBm units. Instrument remains stopped in Modulated Mode after a measurement.

Return average voltage using a default instrument configuration in Modulated Mode and volts units. Instrument remains stopped in Modulated Mode after a measurement.

Query the power meter for all buffered average power measurements.

Query the power meter for all buffered measurement durations in seconds.

Query the power meter for all buffered maximum power measurements.

Query the power meter for all buffered minimum power measurements.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that takes a measurement value returned from Fetch, Fetch Channel, Read, or Read Channel and determines if the value is a valid measurement value or a value indicating that an out-of-range condition occurred.

Query the power meter for all buffered sequence numbers.

Query the power meter for all buffered start times in seconds.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that initiates a previously configured measurement, waits until the power meter has returned to the Idle state, then returns the result of that measurement. Measurement.Configure can be used to set up the measurement

Returns an array of the current marker measurements for the specified channel.

Reads byte array from the meter.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that initiates a measurement, waits until the power meter has returned to the Idle state, then returns the result of the measurement on the specified channel

Reads a control transfer on the USB.

Returns the current average, maximum, minimum powers or voltages and the peak-to-average ratio of the specified channel. Units are the same as the channel's units. Note the peak-to-average ratio and marker ratio are returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other channel units.

Initiates an CW power acquisition and returns the result.

Returns the ratio of the pulse on-time to off-time.

Returns time offset from the trigger reference to the first mesial transition level of either slope on the waveform.

Returns the interval between the last signal crossing of the distal line to the last signalcrossing of the proximal line.

Returns the IEEE-define base line, i.e. The two portions of a pulse waveform which represent the first nominal state from which a pulse departs and to which it ultimately returns.

Returns the IEEE-defined top line, i.e. the portion of a pulse waveform which represents the second nominal state of a pulse.

Return the average power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the maximum filtered power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the minmum power or voltage in the time interval between marker 1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the maximum instantaneous power or voltage in the time interval between marker1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return maximum of the average power trace between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the minimum instantaneous power or voltage in the time interval between marker1 and marker 2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return minimum of the average power trace between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as the specified channel.

Return the peak-to-average ratio of the power or voltage between marker 1 and marker 2. The units are dB for logarithmic channel units or percent for linear channel units.

For the specified marker, return the average power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

Return the difference between MK1 and MK2. The units will be the same as marker units.

For the specified marker, return the maximum power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

For the specified marker, return the minimum power or voltage at the marker. The units are the same as the specified channel.

Return the ratio of MK1 to MK2. The units will be dB for logarithmic units or percent for linear units.

Return the difference between MK2 and MK1. The units will be the same as marker units.

Return the ratio of MK2 to MK1. The units will be dB for logarithmic units or percent for linear units.

Returns the time a repetitive pulse is off. (Equal to the pulse period minus the pulsewidth).

Returns the difference between the distortion following a major transition and the IEEE top line in dB or percent, depending on the channel units.

Returns the interval between two successive pulses. (Reciprocal of the Pulse RepetitionFrequency)

Returns an array of the current automatic amplitude measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: peak amplitude during the pulse, average amplitude over a full cycle of the pulse waveform, average amplitude during the pulse, IEEE top amplitude, IEEE bottom amplitude, and overshoot. Units are the same as the channel's units. Note the pulse overshoot is returned in dB for logarithmic channel units, and percent for all other units. Also, the pulse ?ON interval used for peak and average calculations is defined by the SENSe:PULSe:STARTGT and :ENDGT time gating settings. A full pulse (rise and fall) must be visible on the display to make average and peak pulse power measurements, and a full cycle of the waveform must be visible to calculate average cycle amplitude.

Returns the number of cycles of a repetitive signal that take place in one second (Pulse Repetition Frequency).

Returns the average power of the entire pulse.

Average power of the ON portion of the pulse.

Returns the peak amplitude during the pulse.

Returns the interval between the first signal crossing of the proximal line to the first signal crossing of the distal line.

Read a SCPI string response from the instrument.

Read a SCPI byte array response from the instrument.

Returns an array of the current automatic timing measurements performed on a periodic pulse waveform. Measurements performed are: the frequency, period, width, offtime and duty cycle of the pulse waveform, and the risetime and falltime of the edge transitions. For each of the measurements to be performed, the appropriate items to be measured must within the trace window. Pulse frequency, period, offtime and duty cycle measurements require that an entire cycle of the pulse waveform (minimum of three edge transitions) be present. Pulse width measurement requires that at least one full pulse is visible, and is most accurate if the pulse width is at least 0.4 divisions. Risetime and falltime measurements require that the edge being measured is visible, and will be most accurate if the transition takes at least 0.1 divisions. It is always best to have the power meter set on the fastest timebase possible that meets the edge visibility restrictions. Set the trace averaging as high as practical to reduce fluctuations and noise in the pulse timing measurements. Note that the timing of the edge transitions is defined by the settings of the SENSe:PULSe:DISTal, :MESIal and :PROXimal settings; see the descriptions for those commands. Units are the same as the channel's units.

Initiates an acquisition on all enabled channels, waits (up to MaxTime) for the acquisition to complete, and returns the waveform for this channel. Call FetchWaveform to obtain the waveforms for other channels.

Initiates an acquisition on all enabled channels, waits (up to MaxTime) for the acquisition to complete, and returns the min/max waveforms for this channel. Call FetchMinMaxWaveform to obtain the min/max waveforms for other channels.

Returns the pulse width, i.e. the interval between the first and second signal crossings of the mesial line.

Places the instrument in a known state and configures instrument options on which the IVI specific driver depends (for example, enabling/disabling headers). For an IEEE 488.2 instrument, Reset sends the command string *RST to the instrument.

Resets the interchangeability checking algorithms of the driver so that methods and properties that executed prior to calling this function have no affect on whether future calls to the driver generate interchangeability warnings.

Does the equivalent of Reset and then, (1) disables class extension capability groups, (2) sets attributes to initial values defined by class specs, and (3) configures the driver to option string settings used when Initialize was last executed.

Retrieves revision information from the instrument.

Saves the given channel to a memory channel. If the memory channel does not exist, a new one is created.

Instructs power meter to save the value of fixed cal, zero, and skew values.

Performs an instrument self test, waits for the instrument to complete the test, and queries the instrument for the results. If the instrument passes the test, TestResult is zero and TestMessage is 'Self test passed'.

Send a SCPI command as a byte array.

Send a SCPI command to the instrument.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that sends a software trigger to the instrument

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

This routine is used to access low-level settings of the instrument. See the attributeID parameter for a link to all attributes of the instrument.

Set or return the number of traces averaged together to form the measurement result on the selected channel.

Set or return the sensor video bandwidth for the selected sensor.

Set or return the frequency calfactor currently in use on the selected channel.

Set/return whether statical capture is enabled.

Set or return the trigger delay time in seconds with respect to the trigger for the trigger display location in the LEFT position. Positive values cause the actual trigger to occur after the trigger condition is met. This places the trigger event to the left of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for viewing events during a pulse, some fixed delay time after the rising edge trigger. Negative trigger delay places the trigger event to the right of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for looking at events before the trigger edge.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the end of a rising edge or beginning of a falling edge transition.

Set/get the duration samples are captured during each timed mode acquisiton.

Set or return the measurement state of the selected channel. When the value is true, the channel performs measurements; when the value is false, the channel is disabled and no measurements are performed.

Set/get delay time added to the detected end of a burst for analysis. Typically negative. Typically used to exclude the falling edge of a burst.

Set or return the point on a pulse, which is used to define the end of the pulse's active interval.

Set/get the minimum amount of time power remains below the trigger point to be counted as the end of a burst.

Adjusts the skew for the external trigger.

The maximum amount of latency a fetch measurement may have. This setting adjusts how often automatic measurements and marker measurements are recalculated.

Set or return the current setting of the integration filter on the selected channel.

Set or return the current length of the integration filter on the selected channel.

Set or return the RF frequency for the current sensor, and apply the appropriate frequency calfactor from the sensor?s EEPROM table.

Each Buffer Entry is controlled by a "buffer gate" that defines the start and end of the entry time interval. The gate signal may be internally or externally generated in several different ways.

Set/return whether the statical capture is gated by markers or free-running.

Set or return the trigger holdoff time in seconds. Trigger holdoff is used to disable the trigger for a specified amount of time after each trigger event. The holdoff time starts immediately after each valid trigger edge, and will not permit any new triggers until the time has expired. When the holdoff time is up, the trigger re-arms, and the next valid trigger event (edge) will cause a new sweep. This feature is used to help synchronize the power meter with burst waveforms such as a TDMA or GSM frame. The trigger holdoff resolution is 10 nanoseconds, and it should be set to a time that is just slightly shorter than the frame repetition interval.

Sets the holdoff mode to normal or gap holdoff.

Set or return the statistical mode horizontal scale offset in dB. The offset value will appear at the leftmost edge of the scale with units dBr (decibels relative).

Set or return the statistical mode horizontal scale in dB/Div.

Set or return the data acquisition mode for single or free-run measurements. If INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON, the instrument immediately begins taking measurements (Modulated, CW and Statistical Modes), or arms its trigger and takes a measurement each time a trigger occurs (Pulse Mode). If set to OFF, the measurement will begin (or be armed) as soon as the INITiate command is issued, and will stop once the measurement criteria (averaging, filtering or sample count) has been satisfied. Note that INITiate:IMMediate and READ commands are invalid when INITiate:CONTinuous is set to ON; however, by convention this situation does not result in a SCPI error.

Adjusts the skew for the internal trigger and master trigger output.

Set or return the trigger level for synchronizing data acquisition with a pulsed input signal. The internal trigger level entered should include any global offset and will also be affected by the frequency cal factor. The available internal trigger level range is sensor dependent. The trigger level is set and returned in dBm.

Set or return the resolution for linear power and voltage readings. The number of significant digits displayed is equal to the value.

Set or return the resolution for logarithmic power and voltage readings. The number of decimal places displayed is equal to the value.

Enable or disable the measurement buffer. Disabling the measurement buffer enables modulated/CW measurements. Conversely, enabling it disables modulated/CW measurements.

There are three basic measurement modes - pulse power, modulated power, and statistical power. Each mode is targeted towards a specific type of measurement.The Pulse Mode is used with peak power sensors. The instrument functions as an enhanced peak power analyzer and provides the functionality of a random repetitive sampling oscilloscope for viewing and analyzing the RF power envelope of signals.The Modulated Mode is designed for continuous, true average power measurements of complex modulated signals. The Statistical Mode is used for advanced analysis of non-periodic modulated signals. This mode does not require a trigger event to make measurements and is useful for signals that are noise-like such as CDMA, OFDM, or QAM. In Statistical Mode, the RF signal is sampled continuously at high speed, without discarding or losing any data.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the beginning of a rising edge or end of a falling edge transition.

Set or return the trigger mode for synchronizing data acquisition with pulsed signals.

Set or return a measurement offset in dB for the selected sensor. This is used to compensate for external couplers, attenuators or amplifiers in the RF signal path ahead of the power sensor.

Sets or returns whether peak hold decay automatically tracks trace averaging. If set to true, the peak hold decay and trace averaging values are the same. If set to false, peak hold decay is indepedent.

Set/get the period each timed mode acquisition is started.

Set or return the horizontal pixel position (X-axis-position) of the selected vertical marker. There are 501 pixel positions numbered from 0 to 500 inclusive.

Set or return the position of the trigger event on displayed sweep.

Set/return the cursor power in dB on the CCDF plot.

Set or return the pulse amplitude percentage, which is used to define the beginning of a rising edge or end of a falling edge transition.

Set or return the units for entering the pulse distal, mesial and proximal levels.

Set/get the return count for each measurement query.

Set/get the count of elements for this measurement buffer session. Set to 0 for the meter to continuously acquire measurements.

Adjusts the skew for the slave trigger.

Set or return the trigger slope or polarity. When set to POS, trigger events will be generated when a signal?s rising edge crosses the trigger level threshold. When NEG, trigger events are generated on the falling edge of the pulse.

The signal the power meter monitors for a trigger. It can be channel or one of many other values.

Set/get delay time added to the detected beginning of a burst for analysis. Typically used to exclude the rising edge of a burst.

Set or return the point on a pulse, which is used to define the beginning of the pulse's active interval.

Mode used to start acquisition of buffer entries.

Set/get the minimum amount of time power remains above the trigger point to be counted as the beginning of a burst.

Set or return the state of the peak sensor temperature compensation system.

Set/return the termination action for statistical capturing.

Set/return the termination count for statistical capturing. After the sample count has been reached, the action determined by TermAction is taken.

Set/return the termination time for statistical capturing. After the time has elapsed, the action determined by TermAction is taken.

Set or return the Modulated Mode timebase in seconds/division. The power meter has fixed timebase settings, primarily in a 1-2-5 sequence. If the argument does not match one of these settings, it will be forced to the next highest entry.Value = 5e-9 to 10.0, (1-2-5 sequence)30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 1800, and 3600

Set or return the Pulse Mode timebase in seconds/division.

Sets the time out in milliseconds for I/O.

Set or return the time (x-axis-position) of the selected marker relative to the trigger. Note that time markers must be positioned within the time limits of the trace window in the graph display. If a time outside of the display limits is entered, the marker will be placed at the first or last time position as appropriate.

Set or return the horizontal time span of the trace in modulated mode. Time span = 10* Time/Division. Value = 5e-8 to 100 sec in a 1-2-5 sequence, 300, 600, 1200, 3000, 6000, 18000, and 36000

Set or return the horizontal time span of the trace in pulse mode. Time span = 10* Time/Division. Value = 5e-8 to 100 sec in a 1-2-5 sequence, 300, 600, 1200, 3000, 6000, 18000, and 36000

Set/return the number of points in the CCDF trace plot.

Sets the trigger out/mult io mode. Setting trigger mode overrides this command.

Set or return units for the selected channel. Voltage is calculated with reference to the sensor input impedance. Note that for ratiometric results, logarithmic units will always return dBr (dB relative) while linear units return percent.

Set or return the fine position of the trigger event on displayed sweep.

Set/Query vertical center based on current units: <arg> = (range varies by units)

Set/Query vertical scale based on current units: <arg> = (range varies by units)

Set true to allow the measurement buffer to overwrite members that have not been read by the user.

Starts measurement buffer acquisition. This method allows the user to send a command to the power meter to begin buffering measurements without waiting for all measurements to be completed. Alternately, you can call the AcquireReadings method to start buffering measurements and wait for them to be read from the meter.

Resets statistical capturing mode by clearing the buffers and restarting the aquisition timer.

Returns whether an acquisition is in progress, complete, or if the status is unknown.

Sends a command to stop the measurement buffer from acquiring readings.

Releases a previously obtained mutlithread lock.

Write a byte array to the meter.

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that performs a zero operation on a particular channel

Class-compliant IIviPwrMeter method that performs a zero operation on all enabled channels

Performs a zero offset null adjustment.

Performs a zero offset null adjustment and returns true if successful.