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Returns data about the status of the aquisition system. Function Tree Node: \Boonton55xxx\Instrument Specific\Channel\HardwareStatus\Get Acq Status Array Declaration: Btn55xxx.h Implementation: Btn55xxx.dll
ParametersVi The ViSession handle that you obtain from the IviDriver_init or IviDriver_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. Channel The physical or virtual repeated capability identifier. Pass VI_NULL or empty string if operation does not apply to a repeated capability.For valid values, see the Channel repeated capability. SweepLength Returns the number of points in the trace. SampleRate Returns the sample rate. SweepRate Returns the number of triggered sweeps per second. SweepTime Returns the sweep time for the trace. StartTime Retruns the start time relative to the trigger. StatusWord Aquisition system status. Return Value