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If True, the driver queries the instrument status at the end of each method or property that performs I/O to the instrument. If an error is reported, use ErrorQuery to retrieve error messages one at a time from the instrument. Attribute Tree Node: \Boonton55xxx\Inherent IVI Attributes\User Options\Query Instrument Status Declaration: Btn55xxx.h Implementation: Btn55xxx.dll
ParametersVi The ViSession handle that you obtain from the IviDriver_init or IviDriver_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. RepCapIdentifier Must be VI_NULL or an empty string. This attribute is not defined on a repeated capability. AttributeID Must be BTN55XXX_ATTR_QUERY_INSTRUMENT_STATUS. AttributeValue (GetAttribute) Returns the current value of the attribute. The user must specify the address of a variable that has the same data type as the attribute. AttributeValue (SetAttribute) The value to which to set the attribute.