Boonton55xxx IVI Driver Reference
User Options
See Also
Tree Node: \Boonton55xxx\Inherent IVI Attributes\User Options

Drivers may choose to always cache some instrument settings, never cache others, and optionally cache others, to avoid unecessary I/O to the instrument. If True, the driver caches optionally cached instrument settings.

Interchange Check
If True, the driver maintains a record of interchangeability warnings. If the driver does not support interchangeability checking, attempts to set InterchangeCheck to True return an error.

Query Instrument Status
If True, the driver queries the instrument status at the end of each method or property that performs I/O to the instrument. If an error is reported, use ErrorQuery to retrieve error messages one at a time from the instrument.

Range Check
Drivers may choose to always validate some property/parameter values, never validate others, and optionally validate others, to avoid sending invalid commands to the instrument. If True, the driver performs optional validations.

Record Value Coercions
If True, the driver keeps a list of the value coercions it makes for ViInt32 and ViReal64 attributes. If the driver does not support coercion recording, attempts to set RecordCoercions to True will return an error.

If True, the driver does not perform I/O to the instrument, and returns simulated values for output parameters.
See Also

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