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The resource descriptor specifies the connection to a physical device. It is either specified in the Configuration Store or passed in the ResourceName parameter of the Initialize function. It is empty if the driver is not initialized. Attribute Tree Node: \Boonton55xxx\Inherent IVI Attributes\Advanced Session Information\I/O Resource Descriptor Declaration: Btn55xxx.h Implementation: Btn55xxx.dll
ParametersVi The ViSession handle that you obtain from the IviDriver_init or IviDriver_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. RepCapIdentifier Must be VI_NULL or an empty string. This attribute is not defined on a repeated capability. AttributeID Must be BTN55XXX_ATTR_IO_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR. AttributeValueBufferSize The number of bytes in the ViChar array that the user specifies for the AttributeValue parameter. AttributeValue The buffer in which the function returns the current value of the attribute. Can be VI_NULL if AttributeValueBufferSize is 0.