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Set or return the trigger delay time in seconds with respect to the trigger for the trigger display location in the LEFT position. Positive values cause the actual trigger to occur after the trigger condition is met. This places the trigger event to the left of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for viewing events during a pulse, some fixed delay time after the rising edge trigger. Negative trigger delay places the trigger event to the right of the trigger point on the display, and is useful for looking at events before the trigger edge. Attribute Tree Node: \Boonton55xxx\Instrument Specific\Trigger\Delay Declaration: Btn55xxx.h Implementation: Btn55xxx.dll
ParametersVi The ViSession handle that you obtain from the IviDriver_init or IviDriver_InitWithOptions function. The handle identifies a particular instrument session. RepCapIdentifier Must be VI_NULL or an empty string. This attribute is not defined on a repeated capability. AttributeID Must be BTN55XXX_ATTR_DELAY. AttributeValue (GetAttribute) Returns the current value of the attribute. The user must specify the address of a variable that has the same data type as the attribute. AttributeValue (SetAttribute) The value to which to set the attribute.
Timebase setting |
Trigger Delay range (LEFT position only) |
5 ns/div to 500 ns/div |
-4 ms to +100 ms |
1 us/div to 10 ms/div |
+/-4000 divisions |
20 ms/div to 3600 sec/div |
-40 to +100 sec |
TRIGger:DELay {value}
All supported