
Clear Error
This function clears the error code and error description for the current execution thread and for the IVI session. If the user specifies a valid IVI session for the Vi parameter, this function clears the error information for the session. If the user passes VI_NULL for the Vi parameter, this function clears the error information for the current execution thread. If the Vi parameter is an invalid session, the function does nothing and returns an error.

Clear Interchange Warnings
Clears the list of interchangeability warnings that the IVI specific driver maintains.

Quickly places the instrument in a state where it has no, or minimal, effect on the external system to which it is connected. This state is not necessarily a known state.

Error Message
Translates the error return value from an IVI driver function to a user-readable string. The user should pass a buffer with at least 256 bytes for the ErrorMessage parameter.

Error Query
Queries the instrument and returns instrument specific error information. This function can be used when QueryInstrumentStatus is True to retrieve error details when the driver detects an instrument error.

Get Error
This function retrieves and then clears the IVI error information for the session or the current execution thread. If the user specifies a valid IVI session for the Vi parameter, Get Error retrieves and then clears the error information for the session. If the user passes VI_NULL for the Vi parameter, Get Error retrieves and then clears the error information for the current execution thread. If the Vi parameter is an invalid session, the function does nothing and returns an error. Normally, the error information describes the first error that occurred since the user last called the Get Error or Clear Error function.

Get Next Coercion Record
Returns the oldest record from the coercion record list. Records are only added to the list if RecordCoercions is True.

Get Next Interchange Warning
Returns the oldest warning from the interchange warning list. Records are only added to the list if InterchangeCheck is True.

Invalidate All Attributes
Invalidates all of the driver's cached values.

Lock Session
Obtains a multithread lock on the driver after waiting until all other execution threads have released their locks on the instrument session.

Places the instrument in a known state and configures instrument options on which the IVI specific driver depends (for example, enabling/disabling headers). For an IEEE 488.2 instrument, Reset sends the command string *RST to the instrument.

Reset Interchange Check
Resets the interchangeability checking algorithms of the driver so that methods and properties that executed prior to calling this function have no affect on whether future calls to the driver generate interchangeability warnings.

Reset With Defaults
Does the equivalent of Reset and then, (1) disables class extension capability groups, (2) sets attributes to initial values defined by class specs, and (3) configures the driver to option string settings used when Initialize was last executed.

Revision Query
Retrieves revision information from the instrument.

Self Test
Performs an instrument self test, waits for the instrument to complete the test, and queries the instrument for the results. If the instrument passes the test, TestResult is zero and TestMessage is 'Self test passed'.

Unlock Session
Releases a previously obtained mutlithread lock.